Sollier Lemarchand | Watchmaking

Watch Hand Supplier

They are an essential functional element of your watches, nonetheless the hands also have a cosmetic role and must be made with the greatest finesse to give the necessary shine to your watchmaking creations.

Watch hand manufacturer

We develop and manufacture for you the most elegant, finest and most accomplished hands so that no details are left to chance on your watchmaking projects. Sollier-Lemarchand only produces tailor-made products, your needles are unique, they perfectly reflect your designs, and your models are exclusively reserved for you.

Whether they are brushed, polished or even plated Sollier-Lemarchand allows you to access a high-end level of finishing on all types of models: swords, spears, snowflakes, sticks, alpha, skeleton, fleur-de-lys (lily), broad arrow etc..

For the hour, minute, second, GMT, chrono or even power reserve indicator hands, we are able to offer you a high-end solution that will perfectly reflect your designs.

A global vision, unique know-how

Sollier Lemarchand also makes a point of perfectly adjusting the different colors of your hands as well as ensuring their consistency in relation to your dials and/or cases while guaranteeing perfect continuity throughout their entire lifespan. of your models.

Find out more about the manufacture of watch hands