Sollier Lemarchand | Watchmaking

Packaging supplier

Sollier-Lemarchand is a complete, turnkey watchmaking solution. The box in which your watch will be presented is just as important as the watch itself, which is why our service does not stop just at the watch itself but also includes multiple high-end packaging solutions. of range.

A packaging manufacturer

The story you wrote with watches begins when your customers take possession of the box containing your timepiece. The purpose of this box is not only to protect your watches but also to transmit part of the identity of your watch brand through its quality of production. At Sollier-Lemarchand the care taken in the manufacturing of your packaging is equal to the care given to the other components of your watch (cases, hands, dials, bracelets).

High-end watch box solutions

We provide you with a wide range of solutions for developing and manufacturing the boxes for your timepiece. Polymers, fabrics, leather, metal, wood or even cardboard structures solutions are available.

Find out more about the manufacture of watch packaging